Step-by-Step eBird Instructions for Mobile:
Tap the Menu icon in the top right, then tap Explore.

Scroll down to “More Ways to Explore” and tap Explore Hotspots.
Once the map appears, tap the three blue dots in the top right.

Enter the location in the bottom search bar, which again can be a state, a county, a city, or a specific zone. Select the location you want to see from the drop down menu that appears as you type.

You’ll see hotspot icons appear on the map.
Tap on one to view a summary of the hotspot.
​From here you can:
See the hotspot’s name and a brief overview of how many species and checklists it has.
Tap the title or scroll down within the hotspot info window to the large blue “View Details” button to view the hotspot’s data, species, checklists, and visitors.
Scroll down and tap “Bar charts” to view a list of the species with filled bars to show what times of the year that species is seen there.
Scroll down and tap “Directions” to view the hotspot’s location on Google Maps.